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Home Services Radon Gas


Radon gas and its progeny have naturally occurring radioactivity. Such gas can come from rocks, soil and water. It can enter homes through cracks, holes or the building material itself, and can accumulate inside, but is invisible and odorless.

Presentation of the Radon Gas service

The radioactive noble gas radon (222Rn) is generated in nature due to the decay chain of 238U;

In indoor enclosures, the variation in radon concentration is influenced by environmental conditions and radon inputs from soil and building materials.

Epidemiological studies show a clear correlation between inhalation of short-lived radon progeny and increased risk of developing lung cancer.

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Control and mitigation:

The following are the services provided by ACPRO for the monitoring, assessment and estimation of annual doses due to radon gas exposure.

Radon gas in workplaces

Radon gas is a colourless, odourless, tasteless radioactive gas that forms naturally from the radioactive transformation of uranium in the earth’s crust; It can accumulate in enclosed spaces such as dwellings, buildings and workplaces; Prolonged exposure to radon at elevated levels is associated with an increased risk of lung cancer; To ensure the safety of workers in places where radon accumulation may occur, it is important to carry out measurement and monitoring campaigns;

Contact us for advice on how to carry out a study of radon levels in your workplace:

Royal Decree 1029/2022 regulates exposure to radon gas in workplaces, identifying those that require a mandatory radon exposure assessment:

Underground workplaces, such as construction sites, tunnels, mines or caves;

Places where groundwater is processed, handled or exploited, such as thermal activities and spas;

All workplaces located at ground or first floor level in priority municipalities (list to be published by the CSN);

Radon gas in the Technical Building Code (CTE);

Radon gas is a colourless, odourless, tasteless radioactive gas that forms naturally from the radioactive transformation of uranium in the earth’s crust; It can accumulate in enclosed spaces such as dwellings, buildings and workplaces; The CTE contemplates a series of measures to encourage/facilitate/provide that both refurbished and newly built dwellings comply with radon gas health requirements; We offer a range of services to support companies in the construction sector:

Contact us for advice on how to comply with the CTE in relation to radon gas;

Consultancy on constructive measures to be taken against radon gas, as well as mitigation solutions in case of exceeding the maximum permitted levels of radon inside a building;

Radon measurements after completion of construction or renovation of the dwelling;

Preliminary measures to identify the radon potential at the construction site;

Estimated annual doses

Carried out primarily on the basis of measured concentrations and dose coefficients;

Main parameters involved in going from air concentrations to estimated dose:

Dose coefficients (nSv/(Bq·h·m3 at equilibrium equivalent concentration – EEC) based on ICRP-65 (with a planned change in regulations to apply those of ICRP-137).

Aerodynamic Median Activity Diameter (AMAD).

Equilibrium factor.

Remediation measures

Depending on the concentration found, there are different options to reduce the radon concentration.

Sealing of joints and cracks.

Increased ventilation of the dwelling.

Increased ventilation of the sanitary slab, either by natural or forced ventilation.

Positive pressurization in the house.

Passive or forced underpressure casing.

Do you want to know more about our services related to radon exposure?

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