Radiodiagnostic Facilities
We collaborate with the licensee in all phases of the radiodiagnostic facility: design, operation, modifications and decommissioning.

The use of X-rays for diagnostic purposes is of considerable benefit to the patient: more than half of all pathologies are diagnosed by radiological examinations. However, it is based on the use of ionizing radiation, so it is necessary to minimize the associated risk, operating with doses as low as possible, but without compromising the diagnostic quality of the image. To this end, it is essential to have adequate equipment in good working order (quality control), as well as adequate training of the personnel who use it.
The risk/benefit balance contributes to the prescribing physician’s decision making, with the collaboration of the specialist physician if necessary.
The suitability of the equipment depends both on its technical characteristics and on its correct state of use, which is verified by means of periodic quality controls.
Dose management
In radiodiagnosis, minimizing the risk associated with exposure to ionizing radiation involves optimizing the dose received by the patient. In order to be able to quantify such optimization, a series of dose indicators are defined, depending on the modality, that are easily measurable and that are well correlated with the dose received by the patient.
These dose indicators can be measured at the output of the primary beam or they can be determined from the scan characteristics. With radiology digitization, the scan characteristics are detailed in the header of the DICOM object, including, in most cases, the fields necessary for the quantification of dose indicators. Such information, associated with each scan, can be sent to a DOSE MANAGER, facilitating the EXPLORATION of such INFORMATION, both from the individual point of view for each patient, as well as from the collective point of view at a statistical level.

Radioactive facilities
The safe use of radioactive material involves: training of personnel, design of the facility and adherence to operating rules.

ACPRO collaborates with the owners of radioactive facilities, from their initial stage in the design process, followed by the authorization process, in addition to advice and control during the course of their operation and in the final phase of decommissioning.
ACPRO also collaborates in the correct characterization and management of the radioactive waste that may be generated.
Training, courses and sessions
As already mentioned, training in Radiation Protection is essential for the correct use of ionizing radiation.
At ACPRO we have extensive experience in Radiation Protection (RP) training, either through courses approved by the Nuclear Safety Council (CSN), courses authorized by Health, RP courses for residents, basic RP courses for continuing education, courses for external workers who work in Controlled Areas, …

Radon gas
Radon gas is a naturally occurring radioactive gas and is a leading cause of lung cancer (WHO information).

ACPRO offers a comprehensive service for radon control and, if necessary, for its subsequent mitigation. This service is divided into: measurements of concentrations, issuance of the report with evaluation of results, estimation of annual doses, advice and proposals for remediation measures.
Occupational Risk Prevention (ORP)
Within the field of Occupational Risk Prevention, we provide specialized services in:

Our customers
The uses of ionizing radiation with its associated prevention measures, covers a wide range of Health and Industrial applications, where we provide our services, which we also complete with services related to the management of other types of risks, provided for in the regulations on Occupational Risk Prevention. For example, we provide services in: