Links of interestConsult our links of interest Home Documentation Links of interest NationalAt National level, both Professional Organizations and Societies related to Radiation Protection. Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) National Radioactive Waste Company (ENRESA) Spanish Society for Radiological Protection (SEPR) Spanish Society of Medical Physics (SEFM) Spanish Society of Medical Radiology (SERAM) Spanish Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SEMNIM) Sociedad Española de Radiologia Vascular e Intervencionista (SERVEI) Sociedad Española de de Oncología Radioterápica (SEOR) Sociedad Española de Radiofarmacia (SERFA) InternationalInternational organizations and non-Spanish organizations in the field of Radiological Protection and Medical Physics. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) European Union: Radiation Protection International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) American Association for Medical Physics (AAPM) European Federation of Organizations of Medical Physics (EFOMP)